This website has general information applicable for schemes nationally as well as specific information for anyone considering joining the Newham GP Vocational Training Scheme (VTS).
We are associated with the Health Education England North Central and East London.
Our associated Training Hub is the Newham Training Hub.
On this site, you will find information about the Newham GP VTS as well as some resources that are relevant to GP training.
Would you like to find out how to be a Primary Care Educator or GP trainer? Click here
The Newham Brand
Newham has a special style of VTS which we have developed over the last 10 years. It is popular amongst learners and trainers and is effective in producing high quality new GPs. We wish to preserve or enhance this for the future through the imminent expansion.
The key features of this style are effectively a brand and are summarised below.
- Full Day release VTS days
- High levels of attendance – target 80% at all levels of learner
- Small group orientated, with large group and small group activities
- Interactive learner centred
- TPD (Training Programme Director) facilitated
- Structured scheme curriculum and teaching frameworks
- Inclusive – one trainers group, all levels of learner together, mix of learners
- Learners influence the programme, we encourage a strong sense of leadership and onus for ones own learning
- Supportive and reflective small group work eg- case discussion, role play, Balint, primary care hot topics
- Primary care based education tailored to the RCGP curriculum and GP capabilities expectations. Click here to see GP curriculum capabilities
- Innovative projects such as Street Doctor and GP Simulation Training see FAQs for more information
This is what Newham VTS does, and we do it well, and is represented by our logo, a strong group moving forward together on the road of General Practice.