Out of Hours and Urgent Unscheduled and Emergency Care from August 2019
One of the requirements during GP training is to demonstrate your capabilities in urgent, unscheduled and emergency care. This includes delivering safe patient care, demonstrating effective communication skills, maintaining continuity for patients and colleagues, co-ordinating across services and enabling patient self efficacy.
The requirements for out of hours and urgent unscheduled care have recently changed and the attached document will explain in more detail what is required in order for you to demonstrate your capabilities within this curriculum area.
All trainees will need to add sufficient evidence of engagement with and performance of Urgent and Unscheduled care so that there is sufficient evidence for Clinical and Educational Supervisors to make a judgement of progression in this area during training and a judgement concerning competence in this area at the end of ST3.
Documentation of out of hours / urgent unscheduled and emergency care can be done in 3 ways:
- Clinical encounters (will be renamed clinical case reviews from August 2020), where new learning has occurred and the trainee wishes to reflect on this learning.
- Completing OOH session feedback forms which can be uploaded to the OOH section of the learning log
- Adding each session, as evidence of attendance, to the spreadsheet below and uploaded to the ePortfolio once complete.